Kirkbride Buildings Blog

Archive for February, 2009

Topeka Public Schools Buys Former State Hospital

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Topeka Public Schools has officially purchased the former Topeka State Hospital campus: 501 Buys Former State Hospital Land.

As I’ve mentioned before, this will probably lead to the demolition of the remaining piece of Topeka’s Kirkbride. To be fair, I haven’t heard that that’s an absolute fact, but it does appear likely.

Worcester State Hospital Fire

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

The Worcester State Hospital Kirkbride building on fire
squad546 over at the Asylum Projects Forum scored the biggest asylum-related find of the year (so far) by tracking down video footage of the 1991 Worcester State Hospital fire. The video was taken by a gentleman named Michael Newton, who gave squad546 permission to post it on the web. I’ve included a few screenshots in this post, but you can see a lot more here: Worcester Fire Footage.

squad546 will try to get the actual video uploaded to the web soon. I’ll link to it once it’s available. I’d like to give a big thanks to Mr Newton for sharing this footage. It’s sad to see, but amazing at the same time, and I’m glad it was documented like this. (more…)

Preserving Columbia

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Columbia State Hospital Kirkbride
I’m a little late on this, but there was an article last week about preservationists calling for the protection of historical structures on the campus of the former Columbia State Hospital campus (which the state is now offering for sale). The historical structures include, of course, the Kirkbride building. You can read the story here: Push on to Protect State Hospital Structures.

I’m not too familiar with the Columbia Kirkbride and have never seen it in person. From pictures I’ve seen though it looks like it’s in fair condition, and from this article I get the sense it has a decent chance of survival. If anyone reading this knows better, please comment. Thanks.

Saint Elizabeths Video

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

In this video from MilitaryTimes, GSA Department Director, Dawud Abdur-Rahman talks about the proposed Department of Homeland Security headquarters at Saint Elizabeths hospital. There’s some nice footage of the historic buildings, including the Kirkbride. Note that Abdur-Rahman believes construction will begin this year.

Books on Amazon

The Art of Asylum Keeping The Eclipse of the State Mental Hospital The Mad Among Us America's Care of the Mentally Ill Angels in the Architecture The Architecture of Madness Asylum: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals The Eye of Danvers: A History of Danvers State Hospital
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